Design a Quest

For the Quest Alice’s Artifacts, we went to the Huntington Library, an art gallery and botanical gardens in Pasadena, CA.  Using Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland as a framing story, we designed a Quest where the players need to find three famous artifacts from the story and return them to the Cheshire Cat.  We incorporated popular locations at the Library, using both image- and location-based triggers, including the rose garden (also in Alice), the famous Blue Boy painting, and a rare plant.

Click or tap on the design document below to see the complete design for the mini-game.

Basic Roleplaying (BRP) System

The Basic Roleplaying (BRP) system is a system of core rules for tabletop roleplaying created by Chaosium, Inc. It is the underlying game engine for their Call of Cthulhu, Runequest, Stormbringer, and Elfquest TTRPGs, and several others. Several other publishers, including Open Quest, Delta Green, and Cakebread & Walton, also utilize BRP as their game engine.

QuestXR will be 100% compatible with BRP so players will be able to play their existing tabletop characters on the QuestXR platform and vice-versa. GMs will be able to update players' characters with any experience, items, skill progressions, etc. earned in a tabletop game for use in QuestXR. Similarly, players can download their characters' character sheets for tabletop play.

BRP Game Engine

The Basic Roleplaying (BRP) system is a system of core rules for tabletop roleplaying created by Chaosium, Inc. It is the underlying game engine for their Call of Cthulhu, Runequest, Stormbringer, and Elfquest TTRPGs, and several others. Several other publishers, including Open Quest, Delta Green, and Cakebread & Walton, also utilize BRP as their game engine.

QuestXR will be 100% compatible with BRP so players will be able to play their existing tabletop characters on the QuestXR platform and vice-versa. GMs will be able to update players' characters with any experience, items, skill progressions, etc. earned in a tabletop game for use in QuestXR. Similarly, players can download their characters' character sheets for tabletop play.

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