
Quests are comprised of a variety of encounters including riddles, puzzles, physical activity, combat (like tabletop roleplaying games), and timed events delivered based on player actions and location via Augmented Reality, video & audio clips, images, text messages, and more.

* Players use the QuestXR mobile app to find Quests near them
* Players can form a party to share the encounters and rewards
* When player(s) arrive, the app notifies them of the location of the first encounter, in this example, an Ottendorf cypher. Solving the cypher identifies the next location as a painting in one of the galleries:
* Pointing their phones at the painting, they get reward notifications and the next encounter, a slide puzzle:
* When the player(s) find the plant in the image, they hear an audio cue which lets them know they should look around using the app to find an AR clue near the plant, and so on.

Basic Roleplaying (BRP) System

The Basic Roleplaying (BRP) system is a system of core rules for tabletop roleplaying created by Chaosium, Inc. It is the underlying game engine for their Call of Cthulhu, Runequest, Stormbringer, and Elfquest TTRPGs, and several others. Several other publishers, including Open Quest, Delta Green, and Cakebread & Walton, also utilize BRP as their game engine.

QuestXR will be 100% compatible with BRP so players will be able to play their existing tabletop characters on the QuestXR platform and vice-versa. GMs will be able to update players' characters with any experience, items, skill progressions, etc. earned in a tabletop game for use in QuestXR. Similarly, players can download their characters' character sheets for tabletop play.

BRP Game Engine

The Basic Roleplaying (BRP) system is a system of core rules for tabletop roleplaying created by Chaosium, Inc. It is the underlying game engine for their Call of Cthulhu, Runequest, Stormbringer, and Elfquest TTRPGs, and several others. Several other publishers, including Open Quest, Delta Green, and Cakebread & Walton, also utilize BRP as their game engine.

QuestXR will be 100% compatible with BRP so players will be able to play their existing tabletop characters on the QuestXR platform and vice-versa. GMs will be able to update players' characters with any experience, items, skill progressions, etc. earned in a tabletop game for use in QuestXR. Similarly, players can download their characters' character sheets for tabletop play.

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